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Loyalty Program

Join the program that rewards you for being a loyal customer! The more you spend, the better the perks. Sign up today for 15% off your first order!

Loyalty Program

Loyalty FAQs

How do I create an account?

To create your loyalty account, click on the "Account" icon in the top right corner of the screen. This icon will take you to the account page, where there will be a link that says “Create Account.” Once you create an account, click on the Rewards button at the bottom right of the screen. Then you will click "Earn Points", and then the "Create Account: verify your account" button. It will prompt you to click the "Verify" button. This will send you an email to verify your account. Once you have created and verified your Breakout Bras account, you are enrolled in our loyalty program, and you can begin accruing points!

How do I earn points?

Creating an account: You'll earn 200 points just for signing up! That means you can immediately unlock the first reward or hold onto your points for later.

Making a purchase: For every dollar you spend in our store or on our website, customers who are in the Extras and Supporting Cast will earn 1 loyalty point toward future discounts. If you are in the Rising Star and A-list Movie Star tiers, you will earn 2 loyalty points per dollar. Please note that points are deducted for any refunds at the same ratio.

Following us on social media: Earn 100 points apiece for following us on Facebook or following us on Instagram! 

Sharing us to Facebook: If you share our store to Facebook, you'll earn 50 points to use toward future rewards!

Referring friends: Refer a friend and earn 50 points after they make their first purchase! If you refer a friend, and they make their purchase in-store rather than through our website, let us know! We can manually add points to your account.

Leaving product reviews: We are always in need of honest customer reviews for our products. You can leave 2 product reviews per month for 50 points apiece. That's 100 free points every month!x

How do your loyalty tiers work?

Our loyalty tiers are based on the amount spent over the lifetime of your account. Each purchase will add to your total spent, which then helps to bump you to the next tier. Each tier has exclusive perks and tier-based discounts.